December 2022 News!

Happy Advent season to you all—

This time of year is magical and nostalgic. There’s wonder and goodwill around every corner and endless ways to celebrate and be grateful for all we have. Each other. Our traditions. Our health.

However, those feelings are not shared mutually by every person or family. The holidays can be difficult to navigate, painful reminders of things that didn’t go as planned, or just plain sad to celebrate amidst the glitter and glory. To that, we simply say … may your holiday season be gentle.

May you all enjoy the holidays!

Cheers—Reyne & Scott Roeder


You Gave to the Max!

On Give to the Max Day 2022, you helped raised more than $2,000 for Jackson’s Memorial Fund. Thank you for being our staunch supporters and relentless advocates. Your support enables Jackson’s legacy to propel into 2023 to further the mission of suicide prevention and mental health awareness.

With January’s newsletter, we’ll highlight the ways Jackson’s foundation impacted lives through awareness and advocacy.

Your support ensures this continues to happen, year after year.


Even Santa has Mrs. Claus and the elves … the holidays are no joke with endless lists, places to be, things to handle, and plenty of merriment to enjoy. Even the joy and celebration of the season can be a lot for anyone to manage while still finding the time and presence to be fully immersed and appreciative of the season.

The holiday season can be wonderful for certain, but it can also elevate feeling of fatigue and burnout with unrealistic expectations, emotional triggers, unhealthy resolutions, and neglected personal well-being. The Eight Dimensions of Wellness provides a holistic approach to the different areas of wellness that can impact our overall mental health.

Join the Minnesota Suicide Prevention Taskforce for a one-hour session to explore a holistic approach to mental health and wellness. During this session learn how to create and use a wellness plan that can help assess your current mental health and well-being, as well as set goals for yourself on how to improve and maintain overall wellness during the holiday season and beyond.

Tuesday, December 20th—11am to 12pm, online

Register for the free session here.

Resources & Can't-Miss:

CALM Training
Online event from MN Department of Health’s Suicide Prevention Unit. Counseling on Access to Lethal Means (CALM) is training on reducing access to lethal means, such as firearms and medication, a proven response in suicide prevention and mental health crisis intervention. January 10th, 1-4pm. Registration is free.

Handling Special Occasions
Article from AFSP highlighting difficulty during the holidays. From choosing which traditions to maintain, the necessity of taking breaks, and prioritizing selfcare, these tips cover many topics.

WHOLE Emotional Processing
Workshop dedicated to the connection between emotional health and physical health, how to develop a process for reacting emotions, and the power of aromatherapy. Saturday, 12/17 10am-11am at Mindology in St. Cloud. Registration info here.

National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline
Call or text 988.

Continue to stay up-to-date by following the Jackson Roeder Memorial Fund Facebook page where we will share information and events with the community on mental health and suicide prevention.