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February in Review

On February 1st, Jackson’s 28th birthday, mass was offered for him at St. Paul’s church in St. Cloud.
Also in February, Reyne and Scott traveled to Israel with their pastor and fellow church members to visit the Holy Land. They visited the Nativity in Bethlehem, renewed their wedding vows in Cana and took part in a Baptism renewal at the Jordan river.
On the morning of the third anniversary of Jackson’s passing, February 17th, they participated taking turns carrying a wooden cross as they went through the stations of the cross on the streets of Jerusalem and proceeded to the crucifixion site as well as the tomb where Jesus rose from the dead. That afternoon, mass was held at a church filled with stained glass windows and a cross which had similarities to Jackson's artwork. At this special mass, Scott did the reading and Reyne was a eucharistic minister. It was an incredible day to remember Jackson, one they won’t forget.

On February 29th, we had a booth at the Leap into Wellness Expo at St. Boniface church in Cold Spring to showcase Jackson’s artwork and provide information on mental health awareness and suicide prevention.
This Month’s Feature
In this month’s feature, we wanted to share an article we found on suicide bereavement from Psychology Today, follow the link below to read more.
March Events
March 1st was World Bipolar Awareness Day. On March 20 or March 21 you can attend Every Brilliant Thing by Great Theatre, its a story about a boy who grew up with mental illness and his journey into adulthood. This play is sponsored by the Jackson Roeder Memorial fund and Centracare. To learn more about upcoming events, please visit our website at