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October Newsletter
This fall has provided warm temperatures and allowed Reyne and Scott to enjoy some extended fall golf knowing winter is on the way. This has caused a slight delay in sending the October newsletter.
September was National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and throughout the month we participated in a number of events that we would like to share with you.
On September 24, Reyne and Scott attended an Evening of Education event presented by 2B Continued in Hutchinson, Minnesota.
The presentation took place at an outdoor theater to accommodate for COVID-19. The event was focused on educating medical personnel, social workers and the community on the importance of mental health awareness and suicide prevention.
The speakers were excellent and we have added them to the resource page on our website. Here’s a brief overview of each:
Raising awareness around anxiety. Angst is an IndieFlix Original, documentary designed to raise awareness around anxiety. The film includes interviews with kids, teens, educators, experts, parents and a very special interview with Michael Phelps. Visit for more information.
Trauma transformed through art & narrative. A family healing from suicide — told by a mother and her three children with fresh, poignant art. Visit for more information.
Your personal operating system determines the quality of your mind. Visit for more information.

About 2B Continued
As a suicide loss survivor and healthcare professional herself, Shelly’s sister, Tammy Diehn founded this nonprofit to remember Shelly for how she once lived – someone who had a zest for life and a nurse who made a positive impression on her profession. This is Shelly’s legacy…2B Continued. Visit to learn more.
Also during the month of September, Reyne and Scott participated in two virtual walks.
The first walk was Out of the Darkness and the walk raised money for the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP).
About American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
AFSP raises awareness, funds scientific research and provides resources and aid to those affected by suicide. Visit for more information. Scott is currently on the advocacy team for AFSP.

Reyne and Scott participated in a second virtual walk on September 30 and the walk raised money for NAMI and mental health awareness.
About NAMI
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), is the nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. Visit for more information. Scott is currently on the advocacy team for NAMI as well.
Also on September 30, we held a Tending for a Cause event at Beaver Island Brewing Company in St. Cloud. We want to thank all those who supported us this year, amongst the environment of COVID-19. The turnout was not as high as last year, but we are so appreciative of those who attended. We had impactful conversations, shared mental health and suicide prevention resources, displayed Jackson’s paintings and raised over $500.00. Thank you to those who showed their support.

From September 10 to October 10, Marco ran their annual #YouMatter campaign for suicide prevention and mental health awareness. This year, the funds raised will be donated to the Jackson Roeder Memorial Fund. Stay tuned as we will announce the donation in November’s newsletter.
Upcoming Events &
Awareness Days
Bullying Prevention Month
ADHD Awareness Month
World Mental Health Day
October 10
Mental Illness Awareness Week
October 4 - October 10
Give to the Max Day
November 19
International Survivor of Suicide Loss Day
November 21